Only Breakfast & light
snacks provided - please
send a packed lunch with
your child.
(No nuts / sesame seeds!)

Please make sure ALL clothing, lunch boxes, Water Bottles and any other items are clearly labelled.
- Any unlabelled lost property is only kept for
2 weeks!

Please remember to apply suncream and send children in with sun hats and additional suncream in hot weather.
We are open every day of the year – except Lodge Farm Inset Days and Bank Holidays and the week falling between Christmas Day and New Years Day of the December holidays. Check Christmas days closer to the time.
Breakfast Club will be open during term time from 7.30am to 8.40am
After School Club will be open daily during term time from close of school at 3:15pm till 6.15pm.
Holiday Club will be open daily during school holidays from: 7:30am till 6:15pm
Please note that on last day of the school term, when school closes early, we will be open from the school's announced early collection time (usually 1:15pm) through till 5:15pm and charged at a flat rate of £10/session.
Late Collection Fee
A late collection fee is charged for each individual child remaining on site after 6:15pm. The rate of charge is £10/family for every 15 minutes or part thereof. This fee is put towards the additional staff hours worked.
Age Range
Children must be between 4 – 14 years of age (Reception to end of year 7).
The setting is held in the KS1 & KS2 Hall and Dining Halls of Lodge Farm Primary School:
Lodge Farm Primary School
Mobbsbury Way
Ofsted Registration & Insurance Certificates
Both the Ofsted Registration & Insurance Certificates are displayed on the Springers Notice Board.
We find ourselves in unchartered territory with regards to the current Coronavirus Pandemic, and would like to ensure parents/carers that we are following the Guidance provided by the Public Health of England, the Department for Education and the Local Authority.
After what seems like an eternity, we are now on the road out of Lockdown which means that as of September 2021 our restrictions are easing and we are no longer required to run the bubbles and send close contacts of positive cases home. Only individuals testing positive will need to self isolate. All staff have been vaccinated, and will continue to carry out and report their lateral flow test results twice a week.
Parents are required to drop off and collect their children from the Main Reception at collection time, and please note that staff will sign children in and out to reduce overcrowding in the school foyer area. To keep everyone safe, we will ask any parent/carer entering the building to kindly wear a face mask (we have supplies if you don't have one with you) whilst they are indoors. We will continue to ask parents to please not send their children in to the setting if they are displaying any signs or symptoms of Covid-19.
The following Lockdown procedures will be reintroduced if necessary:
In the event of a new Lockdown, Springers will do everything possible to continue running. We will reform 2x KS1 & 2x KS2 Bubbles and ensure children follow the hand-washing and social distancing requirements.
There will be marked areas to ensure the 2m rule applies.
We ask Parents & Staff to advise us immediately if any person living in the Home Bubble, has displayed any symptoms of Covid-19. If they have symptoms we will not be able to provide care until such time as we receive a 'Negative' test result. In the event of a positive case, the setting will follow the guidance provided by Public Health England and/or NHS Track & Trace, which could potentially result in Bubbles being forced to self isolate and/or sessions being cancelled with little/no notice.
Please be sure to read the home page of the website for any information updates, and where possible emails will be sent out to keep you informed.
We all need to work together to keep everyone safe.
Specific Needs
In order for us to provide appropriate care to children with specific needs, an assessment will be made using the information provided in the Online Registration form. Failure to provide all the necessary information will affect our ability to provide the best possible care. If required, for an additional fee, a staff member can be made available to provide a one-to-one level of care for children with specific needs.
Childcare Vouchers
Springers accepts the majority of Childcare Vouchers. If you are planning on using vouchers as a form of payment please speak to a member of staff should you require registration details to register for vouchers.
The Play Team
The setting is lead by an experienced NVQ3 qualified Play Leader supported by a motivated and enthusiastic team. All staff have successfully undertaken enhanced DBS checks and Safeguarding training to ensure their suitability to work with children, as well as an in-house induction programme prior their commencement of employment within the setting – ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all. The types of training undertaken by Play Leaders includes Health & Safety, Food Hygiene, Child Protection/ Safeguarding, WRAP/Prevent Duty Training (Counter Terrorism Awareness), Pediatric First Aid, Mental Health Awareness. All staff are required to have a thorough understanding of the Club’s policies and procedures and recognise the importance of confidentiality when working with children and young people. Staff will be working within the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) therefore places will be limited in order to maintain the appropriate staff to child ratio of 1 adult to 8 children (1:8).
We provide a variety of different activities both inside and outside, ranging from: art and crafts; messy play; role play; construction; individual & group games and activities (both child initiated and adult led); ICT equipment (laptop; iPads & Android Tablets; Playstation; Nintendo Switch & X-box); baking and cold cooking; and much more. There will also be the opportunity for quieter games and activities when the excitement gets a little too much!
Drinks and Snacks
We acknowledge that it is difficult to please each individuals preference in snack choice, so we aim to keep the menu as varied as possible ensuring healthy options are available at all times.
Breakfast Club: We are offering a basic breakfast of: Toast, Crumpets, Cereals, Yoghurts & Fruit Segments during the Pandemic. Children to provide their own water bottles for us to refill if needed. Due to staggered class start times the last breakfast will be available until 8:20am
After School Club: Water bottle refills are available throughout the session. During the Pandemic, a basic pre-wrapped snack is provided as well as fruit segments. Once life returns to normal, a fortnightly menu will be put in place which will include a variety of different snack options (offering 2 of the following daily) – for example : light snack – for example: pasta / toast / tortilla wraps / pitta breads/ soup / spaghetti hoops , crumpets and baguettes. With cheese, ham, Jam, yoghurts & fruit and raw veg provided daily.
Holiday Club: A basic breakfast will be available - comprising of a choice of cereals and/or toast with a selection of toppings, as well as either frubes/yoghurt pots. Water bottle refills are available throughout the session. A light snack of either: fruit, vegetables or toast are provided on a daily basis (at 10:30am & 3:30pm). Children are required to bring their own packed lunch which is eaten at 12:00pm for KS1 and 12:30pm for KS2
Remember to please label all clothing. School uniform is worn at after school club. During holiday club, T-Shirts and/or aprons will be supplied for arts & crafts. Our aim is to have fun – which sometimes means getting ‘messy’! During school holidays we recommend your children don’t wear their ‘best’ clothing to the club to avoid these getting ruined during play!
Safety in the Sun
Holiday Club: During the summer months please provide your child with a ‘labelled’ cap and sun cream to ensure their safety during outside play. On hot days it might be a good idea to freeze a drink (in a plastic bottle) which keeps their drink cool. Weather permitting, we play water games outside - so a change of clothes and a small towel would be useful.
Again... the key word is 'label'.
Outings & Site Entertainers (holiday club only)
During the Pandemic we will not be going on any outings or having any external entertainers.
We periodically arrange outings for the children. When doing so, we either use a reputable coach hire company. Charges made for any outings are kept to the minimum and are over-and-above the daily childcare rate.
In addition to the outings the setting may be visited by external workshops. These might include: arts & crafts; bouncy castle; face painting; emergency services etc.
Safeguarding & Child Protection
The Play Leader is the trained Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)– to whom any concerns might be directed.
Only responsible parents/carers named on the registration form (or an alternative adult identified in advance) will be permitted to collect the child. In which case, a password will be arranged. Similarly, only children for whom a completed registration form has been received will be able to attend the setting.
*** Any visitors to the setting will be required to sign in the visitor’s book
– providing their details and purpose for visit. ***
Parent and Carer Co-operation
We encourage open communication with the parents/carers. Staff members are available at all times to discuss any issues relating to your child’s participation within the setting. Occasionally we send out ‘survey forms’ or use ‘comment boxes’ to obtain parents and children’s ideas and thoughts and comments, we encourage your participation in these so that we are able to identify areas requiring improvement.
Managing Behaviour
It is of utmost importance to us that we establish and maintain an environment where parents, children and staff know what is expected of them, and where adults and children work together within consistent, understandable and realistic guidelines and boundaries. In order to accomplish this we operate a ‘three strike rule’.
It goes without saying that occasionally there are incidences of unwanted behavior that occur which upset the balance within the group. Any continuous patterns of this behavior will be dealt with in partnership with the parents/carer.
In severe or ongoing cases of unwanted behavior, where the health and safety of children and staff are at risk, a first strike will be issued, followed by a second and third strike (which on each occasion – the parent/carer will be required to sign acknowledgement of ‘strike’). Thereafter the setting will reserve the right to remove the child’s name from the register.
At the issuing of any strike – it will be made clear to the child/children involved that it is their behavior that is unwelcome and not the individual.
*** It is of utmost importance that there is clear communication between play workers and
parents/carers at all times when dealing with negative behavior. ***
The following rules are in place, and re-iterated to the children during registrations:
No swearing or bad language
No bullying, or being unkind to others
No physically hurting one another on purpose
Respect the school and club equipment
Respect yourself, other children and staff
Be polite and remember manners
Share equipment and take turns
Pack equipment away once you are finished with it
Never leave an area without telling a staff member
Have FUN!!!
Gym / Hall Rules
In order to maintain a safe environment, we advise children that should they not adhere to the gym rules, they will be asked to leave the gym for the remainder of the session
Bare feet or shoes & socks only - no children to play in their socks due to slippery floor
No eating or drinking in the gym during playtime
Only use soft foam balls provided
No playing behind curtains
No entering storage cupboard
Have FUN!!!
*** Any form of abusive language and/or violent and threatening behavior directed at staff and children, by either children or parents/carers, will be dealt with immediately as a very serious matter ***
Equal Opportunities
We endeavour to provide a high standard of quality care and ensure equal opportunities to all children attending the setting. We understand that any attitudes or assumptions which fail to address the differences that exist between us have a negative effect on the children.
***All policies and procedures are in place to ensure the safety and well being
of all children and staff attending the setting.***
From time to time we might use photography for:
- Arts and crafts activities
- A newsletter to registered children's parents/carers
- Notice board pictures
- Outings and entertainers
Please note that any photographs placed in the newsletter will be downloaded onto the website for parents and children to read, however we will obtain parental permission before doing so.
We believe that children and parents are entitled to expect the courtesy of prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our setting and will give quick and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the Club. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result we have a set of procedures in place for dealing with concerns. A confidential record of complaints against our setting and/or the children and/or the adults working in our setting is kept, including the date, the circumstances of the complaint and how the complaint was managed. We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our Holiday and After School Club to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved. We aim to initially acknowledge complaints in writing within 7 working days, and then to have resolved and rectified the situation within 28 days. A copy of our complaints form and procedure is available on request to any staff member.
Personal Belongings & Lost Property
Clothing: Please could all children ensure their jackets, jumpers, hats etc. are well labeled. Lost property from Holiday Clubs will be kept for 2 weeks after the last day of club and thereafter will be donated to the local charity shop. Items left at the After School Club will be placed in the lost property box in the KS1 hall.
Toys & Possessions: Any toys and personal possessions brought in to the club are the sole responsibility of owner. Please note that Springers is in no way liable for their loss or damage.
At Springers Holiday and After School Club, it is our intention to respect the privacy of children and parents/carers, whilst ensuring a high quality early years care in our setting.
We aim to ensure that all parents/carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of the Springers Breakfast, After School & Holiday Club, or have any queries or concerns then please contact:
Jo Jones - Springers Club Limited (Limited Company No: 09509704)
07859915985 /07572108300
email: springersholidayclub@gmail.com / jojones@springersclub.co.uk

Be sure to notice that all
booking cut off & cancellation
terms have changed.
No more walk in sessions

Children are NOT permitted
to bring mobile phones or electronical equipment with 4/5G (for Safeguarding purposes)

Bookings are only taken via the online booking system now and NOT by email, text, phone.

Springers Club Ltd
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-92-54
Acc# 4368 6450
How are you protecting the children during Covid-19Staff are to keep up to date with current regulations and guidelines through their supervision training. All staff are encouraged to receive their vaccinations and boosters. In the event of another Covid outbreak, we will once again put the following procedures in place to minimize risk of infection: Reduced numbers of children being booked daily as well as our adult:child ratios. Place the children into groups/bubbles of no more than 15 children - keeping 'home support bubbles' in the same groups. Ensure that all staff are allocated to the bubbles and not crossing over to other bubbles. Use limited toy resources which means the majority of our play is in the form of games and keep the bubbles outdoors as much as possible. We have disposable aprons, masks & gloves (PPE) for staff safety where necessary. Children are now required to bring in a labelled water bottle - which we can refill when needed.
Do I have to register for each club (Breakfast, After School & Holiday) individually?"No, you need to complete the online registration from the top of the home page and this covers all clubs. You do need to add each child seperately and when booking the system will directly add 'ALL Children'.
What drinks and snacks are available for my child/children?During Covid we are not providing breakfast, however are preparing a 'basic' fruit & plain biscuit snack (rich tea/digestive biscuit) for the children at 10am and 3pm. Children need to bring in a packed lunch as well as a refillable labelled water bottle from home.
What should my child wear to holiday club?Please make sure your child has comfortable clothing and shoes that are 'play safe' and that you won't mind them getting a little messy in. We cannot remind parents enough... please make sure any items are labelled as we want to avoid lost property.
Is there a booking cut off?Yes, we need to be able to plan staff and activities in advance and therefore have the following cut off times for bookings: 1. Breakfast Club: bookings & cancellations close 7:00am on the day of the session 2. After School Club: bookings & cancellations close 7:00am on the day of the session 3. Holiday Club: bookings & cancellations close 7 days prior to the session Any late bookings will be charged as follows: 1. Breakfast Club: £5/child regardless of drop off time 2. After School Club: £10/child regardless of pick up time 3. Holiday Club: £20/child for half day & £30/child for full day